The curriculum is not just a list of subjects taught in school. The curriculum describes everything that goes on in the school and helps children to learn about the world around them. Any curriculum must cover all the activities in a school designed to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life and society.
Thus the aims of Hill View Academy are: -
1. To provide a secure, caring, attractive and stimulating environment where everyone is valued and has the opportunity to achieve their potential.
2. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum, fostering independent and positive attitudes towards learning, so that children develop skills for the next stage in their education and for future life.
3. Children will be encouraged to achieve high academic standards.
4. To promote standards of good behaviour leading to self-discipline and emphasising a pride in Hill View Junior Academy.
5. Through the teaching of life skills and the ethos of the school, foster a sympathetic, tolerant and understanding attitude to others, as well as a desire to care for the environment.
6. To promote a co-operative working relationship between all pupils, staff, governor, parents and the community.
6. We should always bear in mind that whatever we do, we do the “Best for the Children”
In this way we seek to work with parents to fulfil each child’s intellectual, spiritual, moral, cultural and social development. The Home/School Agreement found at the front of the brochure aims to further develop the partnership between home and school, enabling parents to help more effectively knowing what the school is trying to achieve.