A JLT provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact upon them. Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) -Respect for views of the child.
At Hill View Junior Academy, our JLT is a group of children that represents the views of all our pupils. It gives our children the opportunity to have their voices heard and be part of the whole school community. They help to makes decisions about school life and organise projects that support learning and development, such as organising charity events, theme days or representing the school at outside events. The JLT meet regularly each term to discuss how school is, how it can be improved, messages to convey to the rest of the school and much more. After each meeting, they hold a brief class meeting to discuss what has spoken about in JLT and any decisions made or ask for any ideas so all pupils know what is happening across the school.
We value the opinions of our pupils and our school council gives pupils a forum to share these opinions with Mr Keelan (our JLT Leader), Mrs. Sutton (our Head teacher) and other members of staff.
A new school council is elected each year and is made up of 2 representatives from each class from Year 3 to Year 6. All school council representatives are elected by their peers at the beginning of each academic year.
JLT aims:
This year, the JLT have been responsible for a range of things. We have organised bake sales, raffles and competitions within in school. We organsied and very successful bake sale in September, where we rasied an incredible amount of money for Macmillan Cancer Support and we got to meet someone who worked for the chairty to find out how the money we helped raise will be put to good use. Together as a team we came up with ideas of how to celebrate Halloween and Comic Relief in school. We created fun activites for the whole school to take part in like 'Design a Pumpkin' and 'Design a Red Nose' and also successfully asked for our first non-uniform Halloween Day so we could all come to school dressed in Halloween costumes, which everyione enjoyed. Throughout this year, we have met every few weeks to discuss things we can do for charity and well-being within school.
In the Spring Term of 2023, School Council were invited to take part in our Visions Den by our Academy Trust. We were told to ask our classes, what we think is missing from our school, that would make it even better than it already is! We had many ideas, many meetings, and most importantly, lots of fun! After lots of discussion, we began to narrow down our never-ending list of options. Then, we came to our final idea, which was to have an all-weather pitch! From this, we helped Miss White contact a local company that could make this idea a reality, and there were many types of all-weather pitch to choose from! From this, became the discussion of where the all-weather pitch could be...Option 1: Our field! Option 2: Our yard! After this, we had to complete as much research as possible to try to persuade Visions Den to provide funding, for us to have the all-weather pitch installed! Please see the short video below to explain all of the advantages it could bring to our school.
We were very lucky to be given the permisison to build the MUGA (Multi Use Game Area) on our yard, which was installed in September 2023 and is now used by all members of our school and enjoyed every break and lunchtime as well as PE lessons too. We are very proud of the School Council for bidding for this for our school and very grateful to the Academy Trust for allowing us to have it!