If you have any queries around school attendance please contact Mrs Fox on 0191 5947982 or email office@hvj.org.uk
Any safeguarding concerns must be reported direct to one our safeguarding team (found here) by either contacting 0191 5947982 and asking to speak to a member of the team or emailing the Headteacher, Mrs Sutton directly at Hayley.Sutton@hvj.org.uk
Any queries or concerns regarding SEND support at school can be adressed by contacting the SENDCO Miss Earl directly on 0191 5947982 or emailing shvaearl@hvi.org.uk
Our Chair of Governors is Mr. Steven Little, who is contactable via the school office.
At Hill View Junior Academy, we build and foster positive relationships with parents, stakeholders and the general public. We appreciate feedback to enable us to continuously improve.
We would like to give everyone the opportunity to compliment the work we do and the education we provide. Any compliments will be greatly appreciated and enable us to understand what works well.
As we continuously evaluate we also welcome any comment or suggestion as we strive to improve.We also need to know if you have any worries or concerns with any part of school life so we can review our practice and put it right.
Any comments and concerns can be sent to office@hvj.org.uk and they can be passed to the relevant member of staff.
Person responsible: Mrs Hayley Sutton (Headteacher)
At Hill View Junior Academy, we are able to sort out any worries, queries or concerns that arise quickly. However, from time to time parents, and others connected with the school, may not be satisifed and wish to make a complaint. To encourage resolution of such situations Vision Learning Trust have adopted a complaints procedure.
The Academy will give careful consideration to all complaints and deal with them fairly and honestly. We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed, and aim to resolve it through open dialogue and mutual understanding. The Academy will respect people’s desire for confidentiality, wherever possible although some information sharing may be necessary to carry out a thorough investigation.
Please see our Complaints Policy here