At Hill View Junior Academy we are determined to create a whole school approach to promoting emotional wellbeing and positive mental health across the school community. All pupils, parents and staff will be part of this journey as we recognise how important mental health and emotional wellbeing is to our lives in just the same way as physical health is. We also recognise that children’s mental health is a crucial factor in their overall wellbeing and can affect their learning and achievement.
To support us in achieving and promoting this whole school approach we have a number of staff who work with all pupils, staff and senior leadership to support mental health and wellbeing in the whole school community. The staff involved are:
Mrs Sutton - Headteacher
Mrs Graham - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs R Bell - Senior Mental Health Lead & Assistant Headteacher
Mr S Little - Wellbeing Governor
At Hill View Junior Academy we currently provide support though PSHE and Art of Brilliance lessons, nurture groups, breakfast club and after school clubs, early help assessments, liaising with parents/carers, using the expertise of the Mental Health Support Team, signposting and working with relevant agencies, celebrating nationwide awareness days or simply by providing time out for a child to speak to a trusted adult in school.
In 2020, NHS England confirmed that Sunderland had been allocated funding to set up a Mental Health Support Team (MHST) in education settings. They are made up of senior clinicians and higher-level therapists, and Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs). The MHST will provide a range of mental health support to pupils aged 5-18 years old, parents and carers and education setting staff. The support will include resources, group work (including assemblies), and 1:1 work with individuals, and the full range of support will be considered and co-produced with young people and their families and education staff.
At Hill View Junior Academy, we now have a strong link with South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and their new MHST. They will help meet the emotional wellbeing and mental health needs of children and young people in our setting.
How will the MHST and Hill View Junior Academy will work together?
The MHST will work within the emotional wellbeing and mental health support structures that already exist at our school. They will help to provide children, staff, parents and the community with programmes and support with their mental health and emotional wellbeing. This can include whole school assemblies, whole class workshops, parent workshops and course, 1:1 pupil sessions or group pupil sessions.
Individual staff from the MHST will focus on a cluster or group of education settings, building a relationship with them, particularly with the Senior Mental Health Lead in school.Our Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) is Beverly.
If you feel you would like to discuss your child's or your family's wellbeing with a member of staff, we are always here to listen and support you as well as signpost to external agencies or support you if you feel your child would benefit from a referral to Beverly on our Mental Health Support Team in school. Please contact Mrs R Bell on if you would like support or have any questions.
Find more information on how we support Pupil Wellbeing then visit the relevant page on this website.
However, we also understand that children need adults around them that are coping, and recognise the importance of self-care and looking after the whole school community, which includes parents, carers and staff. If we aren’t looking after ourselves, we are more likely to feel overwhelmed and less able to cope when things go wrong. As a school,
we feel it is vitally important that we support not only our children but parent/carers too.
Below are links to not only support your child's mental health and wellbeing but also links to allow you to access tips and ideas to support your own physical and mental health.
There are many online websites which offer free vital support and advice regarding supporting children's emotional wellbeing and mental health as well as parental mental health. We recommend the websites below:
There are a wide range of great books that can be used to discuss mental health with children in an age appropriate way. Follow the links below to see some excellent recommendations:
We have gained our Bronze Level for the Sunderland Mental Health Charter Mark!
We are committed to improving Mental Health and Wellbeing for everyone at Hill View Junior Academy.
To read more about it, please visit the Together for Children website;