Our values are reflected in our school rules, which were developed from the children's suggestions and School Council meetings:
Be Safe. Be Kind.
Be Honest.
At Hill View Junior Academy, we have a system of rewards in place to promote the highest expectations of our pupils and foster positive behavour and relationshops. We encourage, praise and reward positive behaviourI in a variety of ways which run through the school.
In every classroom, there is a visual display to remind children of the rewards they could recieve and encourage children to behave positively.
At times, praise may be given individually, either verbally or in the form of house points and star stamps for their house team. Once a child has recieved twenty house points, they get their card stamped with a star. A full star card means that a child gets to visit 'The Hill View Boutique' to choose a prize reward and also recieve a certificate in assembly.
When excellent behaviour and attutudes to learning have been contonously seen in class, class teachers may send a proase postcard home to share these excellent achievements of the children with their families.
Every Monday, children attend a weekly Celebration Assembly. During this assembly, certificates are awarded to children who have demonstrated exellent behvaiour, work and much more. These Star of The Week certificates are an excellent acheivement and recognition of children's efforts. Within these assemblies we also recognise outside of school achievements through year group show and tell.
Children displaying exemplary behaviour or brilliant work will see them visit a member of the Senior Leadership Team :Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher or Assistant Headteacher where stickers, praise, stars and prizes can be given.
Each lunchtime someone is chosen, from a raffle, to sit at the Star Table with their friends. They are entered into the raffle, if they are observed by our Y6 pupils to be showing excellent beahviour, manners and kindness in the dining hall during lunch.
Each week, the class with the highest attendace or most improved attendance will win Attendo bear and the winning class will vote for a reward of their choice in the following week.
Each term, the House Team with the most house points collected will gain a reward, this can include things like a Pizza, Popcorn and Movie Party, etc.
For more information, please read our behaviour policy.