Art of Brilliance 

'Inspiring People'

On Tuesday (19th September 2023)  we met Will Hussey  from ‘The Art of Brilliance’. Will worked with Years 5 and 6 over 3 days  and also delivered training for staff. ‘The Art of Brilliance’ is a new project that we are embarking on across the whole of this academic year. The project helps to build pupils resilience and positivity in all areas of their life and supports improving wellbeing for all involved.


Wednesday 20th September 

Classes in Y5 and Y6 learnt how we learn.Will introduced the different stages of learning we go through and how these apply to all the different things we learn through our lives. The classes had a go at juggling, cup stacking, building card houses and rubiks cubes. During these activities the classes showed the different types of resilience they have. 


Thursday 21st September 

On our final day with Art of Brilliance, Will shared with the classes the impact they have on other people. They looked at the importance of kindness and saw the impact it has on others. The classes committed to starting new habits and stopping old habits. Years 5 and 6 were left with a challenge: taking these messages and sharing them with the rest of the school and wider community.

Within school we have introduced new certificates which recognise children who are resilient, show determination, and demonstrate a positive mindset - the 2%ers.  “The “2%ers” stand out a mile. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic, effervescent and possess a ‘can-do’ mentality."–  The Art of Brilliance.

These certificates are presented weekly in phase assemblies and celebrate the posititivy and resilience of our children across school. 


Furthermore, children practice gratitude regularly as part of our GROW curriculum as well as part of the Art of Brilliance project to ensure we have a kind and positive midnset across our school community. Each year group has a Gratitide Book where children can volunteer what they are thankful for and write down their gratitudes. Some of these gratitudes are then shared by children to their phase in the weekly assemblies.  

Spring Term

In Spring, we set up our Brilliant Bunch who re-shared in phase assemblies all about the Art of Brilliance and the importance of postivity and resilience in school. Year 5 also delivered a coffee morning to parents about the Art of Brilliance so the message could be spread outside of school. 


During Children's Mental Health Week, all children completed Art of Brilliance lessons in each year group. Some of the work can be seen below. It was excellent to see the buzz of positivty ripple throughout our school environment. 

Watch out for further information about our progress with the Art of Brilliance Programme.


Will, will be checking in with us in July 2024 where he will carry out an ‘Art of Brilliance’ inspection of the school to grade us on our performance. 


Art of Brilliance 

'Inspiring People'

On Tuesday (19th September 2023)  we met Will Hussey  from ‘The Art of Brilliance’. Will worked with Years 5 and 6 over 3 days  and also delivered training for staff. ‘The Art of Brilliance’ is a new project that we are embarking on across the whole of this academic year. The project helps to build pupils resilience and positivity in all areas of their life and supports improving wellbeing for all involved.


Wednesday 20th September 

Classes in Y5 and Y6 learnt how we learn.Will introduced the different stages of learning we go through and how these apply to all the different things we learn through our lives. The classes had a go at juggling, cup stacking, building card houses and rubiks cubes. During these activities the classes showed the different types of resilience they have. 


Thursday 21st September 

On our final day with Art of Brilliance, Will shared with the classes the impact they have on other people. They looked at the importance of kindness and saw the impact it has on others. The classes committed to starting new habits and stopping old habits. Years 5 and 6 were left with a challenge: taking these messages and sharing them with the rest of the school and wider community.

Within school we have introduced new certificates which recognise children who are resilient, show determination, and demonstrate a positive mindset - the 2%ers.  “The “2%ers” stand out a mile. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic, effervescent and possess a ‘can-do’ mentality."–  The Art of Brilliance.

These certificates are presented weekly in phase assemblies and celebrate the posititivy and resilience of our children across school. 


Furthermore, children practice gratitude regularly as part of our GROW curriculum as well as part of the Art of Brilliance project to ensure we have a kind and positive midnset across our school community. Each year group has a Gratitide Book where children can volunteer what they are thankful for and write down their gratitudes. Some of these gratitudes are then shared by children to their phase in the weekly assemblies.  

Spring Term

In Spring, we set up our Brilliant Bunch who re-shared in phase assemblies all about the Art of Brilliance and the importance of postivity and resilience in school. Year 5 also delivered a coffee morning to parents about the Art of Brilliance so the message could be spread outside of school. 


During Children's Mental Health Week, all children completed Art of Brilliance lessons in each year group. Some of the work can be seen below. It was excellent to see the buzz of positivty ripple throughout our school environment. 

Watch out for further information about our progress with the Art of Brilliance Programme.


Will, will be checking in with us in July 2024 where he will carry out an ‘Art of Brilliance’ inspection of the school to grade us on our performance.